Wintersemester 2018/19
Betreuende Lehrende: Prof. Andreas Müller, Aaron Werbick
beteiligte Studierende: Johannes Hucht, Lydia Kähny, Sophie Lichtenberg, Lena Thomaka, Maxim Weirich
Verlag: spectorbooks
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The Manual of Travelling Exhibitions published by UNESCO in 1953 is a handbook on organizing touring exhibitions. Aimed at museums and other public institutions, it formulates a “grammar” of how to exhibit, ranging from organizational questions to reflections on exhibition design. From today’s perspective the manual reads like the manifesto of a modernity whose continuity was still unbroken in the immediate post-war period. This extensively annotated reprint of the Manual of Travelling Exhibitions is intended, on the one hand, to contextualize and critically examine the historical source and, on the other, to show different ways of updating it. The contents of the manual share the same importance as the inherent gaps it contains, the book’s design, and the photographic logic of the images.
With: Martin Beck, Clémentine Deliss, Kurt Eckert, Jochen Eisenbrand, Rike Frank, Helene Hermann, Lydia Kähny, Tina Köhler, Moritz Küng, Sophie Lichtenberg, Jonathan Maho, Vanessa Joan Müller, Andreas Müller, Jennifer Tobias, Gitte Villesen, Nader Vossoughian, Florian Walzel, Grant Watson, Joanna Weddell, Maxim Weirich, Aaron Werbick. Grafik: Johannes Hucht, Lena Thomaka