Oktober 2023
Projektraum Körnerstr. 45, Karlsruhe
Supervision: Prof. Celine Condorelli, Prof. Anne Duk Hee Jordan
Fotos: Manuel Sékou
Sound: Vanessa Bosch
Grafik: Dshamilja Tükerek
Proof Reading: Johanna Schäfer
Camera: Luise Peschko
Performers: Jette Schwabe, Sertaç Özdemir, Emily Ebner, Jaya Demmer, Sound: Manuel Sékou
Fotos in the video: Mascha Dilger
Project of Corinne Riepert
The spatial installation “Elastic Kin” shows a group of textile objects – Gefüge1 – that were assembled from discarded and abandoned garments. They exist as individuals as well as a kin. Assembled from used garments, found in the streets of K., produced by others in other contexts, they invert their original purpose by becoming bodies of their own, no longer dependent on being activated by a human body. The surface of every Gefüge is like a secret map, containing traces of anonymous hands working on them. The sound in the installation is an echo of almost vanished collective memories of past moments and places. “Elastic Kin” attempts to depict a widespread kinship, that is imagined through invisible, loose and elastic threads mapping an international system of supply chains, workers and consumers, trend forecast and unpredictable zeitgeist, mass production and meditative handcraft. Which traces of these contexts do the garments contain? The video shows a performative intervention in public space, that the Gefüge now have their own sake: they return to the shopping mall, being carried by the persons, they once used to dress.
1 Bennet, Jane: Vibrant Matter. A political Ecology of Things, 2010, p.24/35 „Assemblages are ad hoc groupings of diverse elements, of vibrant materials of all sorts. Assemblages are living, throbbing confederations that are able to function despite the persistent presence of energies that confound them from within. They have uneven topographies, because some of the points at which the various affects and bodies cross paths are more heavily trafficked than others, and so power is not distributed equally across its surface. Assemblages are not governed by any central head: no one materiality or type of material has sufficient competence to determine consistently the trajectory or impact of the group. The effects generated by an assemblage are, rather, emergent properties, emergent in that their ability to make something happen (a newly inflected materialism, a blackout, a hurricane, a war on terror) is distinct from the sum of the vital force of each materiality considered alone. Each member and proto-member of the assemblage has a certain vital force, but there is also an effectivity proper to the grouping as such: an agency of the assemblage. And precisely because each member-actant maintains an energetic pulse slightly „off“ from that of the assemblage, an assemblage is never a stolid block but an open-ended collective. a „non-totalizable sum.“ An assemblage thus not only has a distinctive history of formation but a finite life span.