winter semester 2018/19
14.–16.11.2018, 14–18 Uhr
Lichtbrücke, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe
supervisiom: Prof. Andreas Müller, Prof. Anja Dorn, Prof. Clementine Deliss, Prof. James Langdon, Prof. Iris Drögekamp, Prof. Sereina Rothenberger
Project by Carlo Siegfried
The exhibition Seeing With Four Eyes follows the object biography of the statue Ngonnso’ from Cameroon through different geographical, temporal and institutional contexts. This first sentence is already flawed. Is statue even an adequate term to describe a figure that represents a living being to some people, while others merely see it as an example of material culture? And is biography the right term to describe the life of an artifact? Is it bound to its material being or does it exist well before it is carved out of wood and long after it is eaten by termites or lost in a burning museum? In the endeavour to learn more about Ngonnso’, I decided to call her by her name, thereby not predefining what she is. I tried to gather the fragments of a story that do not form a whole. I followed threads that go back to the time of creation, to punitive expeditions and acts of war carried out by the German colonial empire, cultural festivals in Cameroon and Europe, and to a museum trying to come to terms with its collection. I talked to people who have engaged either with Ngonnso’ herself or with the campaigns, national laws, and politics that have influenced and continue to influence her. Ngonnso’ is in a state of limbo: she will be transported from a museum depot in the outskirts of Berlin to a new museum institution in the city centre in the spring of 2019, once again being transformed from a stored object into an exhibition object. At the same time, she is subject of ongoing restitution negotiations between the paramount chief of the kingdom Nso’, Fon Sehm Mbinglo I, the state of Cameroon, the Ethnological Museum Berlin and the German state. Seeing With Four Eyes offers a space to reflect upon this entity through its multiple and contradictory dimensions.