26.04.2022 um 20:00 Uhr im neuen Entrèe des Badischen Staatstheaters
Supervision: Prof. Constanze Fischbeck, Anna Haas, Eivind Haugland
Participation of: Merve Abt, Elisabeth Bayerl, Lucy Cramer, Amelie Enders, Rahel Diederich, Juhee Han, Luca Ihns, Marie Herrndorf, Carl Koch, Rebecca Lob, Arthur Schuman, Anastasia Serikova, Isabel Winter
Credits Fotos: Juhee Han
Credits Grafik: Amelie Enders und Elisabeth Bayerl
It is an act of emancipation. The play, which was awarded the Mühlheim Dramatist Prize, tells the story of how the daughter of Polish immigrants and her "chosen sisters" free themselves from the burden of the migration narrative and become what they have always been in a rhythmically raging stream of speech: Goddesses.
The play "Tragödienbastard" by Ewe Benbenek was technically and artistically developed by students in the winter semester 2021/2022 as part of the seminar 'Das neue Stück' and transformed into an almost 2-hour staged reading. The project was supervised by Constanze Fischbeck, Anna Haas and Eivind Haugland as well as Sandra Blatterer, who gave exciting impulses for the development of the lighting and stage concept in a one-week lighting workshop.